Quality Policy

ED 8
The management of Industrial Zootécnica Aragonesa SL, within its activity of manufacturing products for animal nutrition, is responsible and acquires the commitment to:


a) Produce legal and safe feed and feed additives

b) Respect customer requirements

c) Take the necessary measures to prevent fraud and adulteration. 

d) Establish and develop a Quality system in order to achieve the following objectives:


Obtaining the satisfaction of our clients in the nutrition of their animals is a priority objective. The quality of service is part of Inzar’s own style and of the people who are part of this organization.

Every company lives on its customers and its future depends on the degree of satisfaction they find in their relationship with it. This continuous contact translates into trust over time and Inzar intends to favor an environment in which the company works to continue optimizing the products and services it provides.

All this entails committing ourselves to:

  • Continually update our products to adapt them to your needs through the work of the formulation and research departments.
  • Promote the identification of non-quality and take corrective and preventive actions for its elimination.
  • Evaluate our suppliers.
  • Ensure quality management.
  • Determine and consider the risks and opportunities that may affect products and services and the ability to increase customer satisfaction.



The quality of the service and the product can make a difference with other companies in the sector and our commitment to our customers requires us a constant evolution towards continuous improvement so that customers can obtain, with our nutrition, the best yields in their farms. To achieve this, continuous training of staff is also necessary.



It is the management’s desire to convey the importance of ethical behavior for our company in all the tasks we perform daily and in the relationships with all the people involved in our activity: colleagues, customers, suppliers, etc.

It should not be enough for us to do things well but also to do what is right.

Work so that our processes comply with the current legal regulations and the internal ones of the company, as well as the quality requirements of the current ISO 9001 standard, of FAMI QS for premixes of additives and complementary feeds and of GMP + for complete compound feeds.

In short, management’s commitment is manifested through the decision to implement and maintain its quality management system based and any other regulations that it decides to implement.


Mariano Terréu Mayor (Management)