Product that provides an ideal functional vitamin and amino acid profile to compensate for metabolic demands during the embryo implantation and placenta genesis phases.
70 to 80 gr / day and day
3 to 4 initial weeks of gestation
Last week before birth.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: The trial involved 25 sows of Landrace * Large White genetics and were randomly classified into two groups: a group treated with 80 gr./day and animal of the OPTIVITAL GESTANTES product during the 4 weeks after the covering and a group control without supplementation. The weight of piglets at birth, the number of total births, number of live births, number of dead births and mummies were recorded as study variables.
RESULT AND DISCUSSION: The group of sows supplemented with OPTIVITAL GESTANTES had a higher litter weight (23.2 kg) compared to those not supplemented (18.7 kg), there was also a greater number of total births in the supplemented group (16.4) compared to the non-supplemented group (14.7) and a greater number of live births (14.7) in the group supplemented with OPTIVITAL GESTANTES compared to the non-supplemented group (13.4).
When analysing the greater weight of the piglets in the group supplemented with OPTIVITAL, it can be seen that the difference in weight is maintained regardless of the number of births (Table 2) or the number of live births in the litter (Table 3).
CONCLUSIONS: In the test performed the supplementation with OPTIVITAL GESTANTES based on a specific functional nutrition to enhance embryonic development in the first phase of pregnancy is of interest to improve the weight of the piglet at birth, so it can be a product of interest especially on farms with problems of low birth weight.
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