It will depend on the type of calf to be fed as its administration is complemented with dairy substitutes.
Friesian calves (40-50 kilos of entry):
- From the first day to 30 days post-weaning. Approximately up to 125 kilos, which is equivalent to the first 80-90 days.
- After the first 90 days, change for a week progressively to a growth feed.
Friesian or Mixed calves of meat breeds (60-80 kilos of entry):
- From the first day to 15 days post-weaning. Approximately up to 130-140 kilos, which is equivalent to the first 30-45 days.
- After the first 45 days, change for a week progressively to a growth feed.
Mixed calves (100-180 kilos of entry):
- Administer ad libitum for the first 15-30 days, along with good quality forages.
- Change over a week progressively to a growth feed.