• Complementary feed designed for the introduction to the consumption of concentrated foods.
  • In lactating calves, their high appetite and digestibility achieves rapid consumption allowing early weaning.
  • In calves near weaning or recently weaned, it allows an immediate consumption of food helping to minimize stress and adapting the rumen to a diet rich in carbohydrates of rapid degradation.
  • Its perfect nutritional balance allows to obtain high average daily gains (ADG), optimizing productivity in the initial phases.
  • The adjusted daily consumption, strategically related to your weight gains, allows you to obtain conversion rates (CR) below the market average, which allows you to significantly improve profitability in the early stages of food.

It will depend on the type of calf to be fed as its administration is complemented with dairy substitutes.

Friesian calves (40-50 kilos of entry):

  • From the first day to 30 days post-weaning. Approximately up to 125 kilos, which is equivalent to the first 80-90 days.
  • After the first 90 days, change for a week progressively to a growth feed.

Friesian or Mixed calves of meat breeds (60-80 kilos of entry):

  • From the first day to 15 days post-weaning. Approximately up to 130-140 kilos, which is equivalent to the first 30-45 days.
  • After the first 45 days, change for a week progressively to a growth feed.

Mixed calves (100-180 kilos of entry):

  • Administer ad libitum for the first 15-30 days, along with good quality forages.
  • Change over a week progressively to a growth feed.


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